
Classes Java


( swing component - PAC agent )

Version : 0.5 ( 10 october 2002 )
Author : Perez Noël
source code
( with test program )

version française

It is distribute in freeware under LGPL.


The JTable component is one of the most complicated of Swing, It have nedd of many code for get a result. If you want display linear data or fill a list of value, as for example the fill of parameter list with a format for each colonne, the JTable is too complex. EasyTable is a Swing component taht allow to manage this table with just properties files text.

This component is a PAC agent, it allow to manage many data display with synchronization.
For better understand the PAC agent consult this documentation ( in french ).

In pratical

For each table created, you have need many files:


For use EasyTable you have need to load Regex4J d'IBM, this library is used for the validity test of the entries.


Create the object that manage the data for this you indicated the two properties files.
For give the path to the file, you write "properties.generic.membre" that significated"./properties/generic/membre.properties".
 CTable membre = new CTable("properties.generic.membre"
Get the graphical componant that can be integrated in the IHM.
 Table tmembre = membre.createTable();
Load data of "obj", call the load function that call load of the classe associated to the table in properties file.
Save data, call the save function that call save of the classe associated to the table in properties file.
 JNClassMembre[] param = membre.save();
Last update 10 october 2002